Thursday, March 24, 2016

Father chose Rev. Yoo as the OSDP lecturer for a reason

Some one just liked a comment I made in February. So I went and read it again. I felt I should re-post it in light of Rev Yoo's recent confession and repentance.
The comment was in response to Michael Balcomb post which claimed that Moon Hyungjin was asked FFWP members to abandon their faith. In reflection he may be right if the faith is in something false. Anyway I felt lead to send this a post for sake of Michael and others.
Here is it the comment that was liked:
"Sadly the President of FFWP, Michael Balcomb is showing such a horrible combination of arrogance and ignorance. He is very intelligent, and a UTS graduate yet he can not even quote the Bible: "To paraphrase Hebrews 13:8, True Parents are the same yesterday, today and forever". Michael please resign right away as Moon Hyungjin asked you last January. You are my brother who I love and you are digging a deeper and deeper hole for you and your family and descendants. By participating and supporting the desecration of the LSA, our TF, and propping up the false regime in Korea and deluding Unificationists here in America, especially our 2nd Generation, you are committing great evil.
Michael, you should not just change the bible to fit your effort for control of others via religion. This has been great sin throughout history and now is occuring with FFWP and CSG et al. The Bible:
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
..................................................Michael, please remember your dream you shared with everyone during the holy ground tour. God can not warn you more than that dream he gave you. I tried to help you. ......................................................................................................................I will copy here the text I sent to you in response to your request you sent out to Unificationists asking if anyone could help you to interpret as repeating dream which was like a nightmare you were having.
Here is what I sent you:
..... "Michael you asked one time about the recurring nightmare you were having about being at an event and finding you had no clothes and you were desperately looking for clothes. The answer came to me today during HDH.
The Parable of the Banquet. MATTHEW entire Chapter 22 reveals many things. Here are the core verses 11-13:11"But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes,and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?' And the man was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"
Michael now is still not too late to repent and start anew. Take the example of Rev. Yoo, TF chosen OSDP lecturer who received a dream and finally after 6 months was able to repent and return to TF. You will help many here in America and you will help Mother to finally return.
Michael Balcomb you can do this. I will help you and others will also, but you need to have the courage to face the truth and take action.
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet - Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding…

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


These are David Konn's comments, which raise new evidence. Very good points.
Thank you Lourdes. I have been studying my OSDP lecture manual and notes from when Rev Yoo gave this workshop in Las Vegas. It was an amazing workshop in 2011 when TF called all leaders from throughout the world to come. I have a long testimony about it. In this workshop Rev Yoo said 'The main subject of ODP is fulfill Man's responsibility via Absolute Sex and fulfillment of the 3 Blessings. Absolute Sex creates the foundation It is the most precious thing where we can become God's Temple. God needs his children to fulfill the 4 Blessing and 3 Kingships". The was clear teaching about Seed theology. I barely understood it then. I am so much clearer now.
So now I will quote directly from the OSDP manual page 31 "Mother has no substantial body. Until Now, no substantial mother, so she was the Holy Spirt. so True Mother must be born again within True Father and by True Father. True Father must raised True Mother as a substantial body. (recreation)." Then Reverend Yoo added True Father had to restore True Mother. It is so insightful that TF so strongly and absolutely asked all Unification Leaders and Unification members to attend and learn OSDP. However today FFWP rejects OSDP completely. This is just one addtion to the many signs of the tragic desecration of the LSA which his son, chosen as TP TehShinJa has been fighting against.

My experience with Kook Jin Nim

I have worked with Kook Jin Nim in Saeilo Machinery for 11 years from 1995 to 2006. In 2007 I left to start my own company following my passion for human wellness. In 2009 I again began to work with him again through Il Hwa which I am doing today. So I knew him before and after the Young Jin Moon foundation was created and before and after he went to Korea to help Tongil Group.
Here are the facts about Kook Jin Moon. The Young Jin Moon Foundation is a nonprofit entity and a related party to Saeilo Enterprises. The money generated is created from investments and used to support the seminary and other church projects. Because Saeilo is a related party the board of directors are listed and they must show their salaries. These are salaries for their business work for Saeilo. Their position with the Young Jin Moon Foundation is volunteer and they receive no income.
Kook Jin Nim receives nothing from the Young Jin Moon Foundation but he helps manage the investment. The $360,000 is his salary as CEO of Saeilo Enterprises. He still runs Saeilo Enterprises and built it up from a bankrupt company to what it is today. Saeilo Enterprises is a multi-million dollar, very profitable company which Kook Jin Nim is still managing and developing. At the same time he is working his ass off in Korea for the Tongil Group as an offering without pay. At first he saved the Tongil Group which was heading toward bankruptcy and he ended the subsidies. Now the Tongil Group companies are profitable and growing. This was done in attendance to his parents and an offering to support the church. His work in Korea has created in my estimate well in excess of $100,000,000 in profit for our church with no personal income. This is all as an offering. Kook Jin Nim also played an essential role in preventing more assets to be stolen by the Kwaks and Hyun Jin.

Friday, March 4, 2016

A re-post by Jamal Johnson

I want to share a brilliant post by Jamal Johnson in the group Freedoms Royal Sanctuary. Would love to hear your response to his questions.
"In a thread regarding the lack of masculinity on the stage at the recent FFWPU's so-called "Blessing" event, Dan Fefferman made the incredible statement...
"What's stupid is not to see the powerful masculine presence of True Father, as well as the feminine presence of True Mother in this ceremony."
Thomas Byrne then says -
[[[[ Look, here's the model. We have the example of Father giving a blessing to a group about 1974. Mother was not available (thank goodness, or we might not have a concrete example) so did Father 1. Give it by himself? 2. Or use a picture of TM? Instead he chose a daughter, I believe it was Ye jin to stand in Mother's place. So the standard is set, Mother must use a son to stand in Father's place as he used a daughter to stand in her place. This is the precedence Father set. With this example it is clear to me someone must represent Father. It can't just be "in the spirit". ]]]]
Then I pointed out that Thomas' question should be answered. "What powerful masculine presence of Father is to be seen on that stage?" so Dan writes...
[[[[ "Let him whose eyes are open see." If you are determined to deny that TM and TF are united... well, then you won't see. ]]]]
Then I said to Dan Fefferman the following
[[[[ OKAY! Here is where the principle of resemblance has its greatest significance. So lets begin
Even if father was present with mother spiritually, it's not enough to set the minimum conditions necessary to establish the "conveying of God's Blessing" moment.
In order to establish the "conveying of God's Blessing" moment, parents must be on earth so that the new reality exists in the spiritual world.
See I think all Han supporters are so ignorant, that they wouldn't even think to ask why father never conducted a blessing by himself. It's because father knows the minimum conditions that must be bound on earth to have the result registered in heaven.
Both Father and Mother are there in bodily form giving the blessing. As your physical eyes witness this, your spirit can rightly register the vitality elements into your soul.
This is why the term "What's bound on earth is bound in heaven" is an immutable impassable eternally indispensable axiom.
It is every single one of you Han supporters that cannot see that. ]]]]
SO my question is...
We believe that individual embodiments of Truth are necessary for God's purpose of creation and Joy. And we believe that Jesus' need for a manifested bride on earth, prolonged the providence another 1887 years (from year 33 to 1920). So with all the historical necessity for "manifestation", do you now believe that the manifestation of two parents is unnecessary? for the bequeathing of the blessing?
Another way of asking this question is this. Do you believe that God gets the same benefit from a couple who has lost one physical body (male or female), as He does from a couple that both exist bodily on earth?
With all the historical necessity for "manifestation", do you now believe that the manifestation of two parents is unnecessary? for the bequeathing of the blessing?
Do you believe that God gets the same benefit from a couple who has lost one physical body (male or female), as He does from a couple that both exist bodily on earth?"

Important Points to be aware of...

To many Unificationists who are diligently supporting FFWP Leaders and what Mother Hak Ja Han are doing. (Please do not get upset that I said Hak Ja Han, I can say Sun Myung Moon when I refer to TF). I personally appreciate the your passion and diligence as you have attended and loved TP for many years.
However I want to take a moment to ask you to be clear and aware about a few points.
1. Moon Hyungjin and I myself, and most SC supporters I know have great love for Hak Ja Han and know her faithfulness and victory uniting with TF as the victorious Bride of the LSA. Through her unity with TF through Hell we can not imagine, "True Parents" were established and "God's Blessing" and "God's lineage" could come to earth. Jesus, TF and all the saints rejoice in this.
2. The tragedy of actions of FFWP Leaders and Hak Ja Han mainly in the 3+ years since TF passed are well documented in many places on video and in writing. Here is one place This is painful and it has cosmic consequences. It was unthinkable but we need to face the truth with love as Gods sons and daughters.
3. If we are determined to justify and support these actions of FFWP leaders and Mother to desecrate TF the LSA and his work, this is a course which we and our ancestors will have to take responsibility for.
This video from Hyung Jin Nim explains the honest first hand facts and experience. Even if you have seen it before. Please watch again with an earnest heart asking God and TF to guide your understanding of what is true.

Please take time to read this.

So many people are pontificating here with many erroneous concepts. The truth is that the leaders of FFWP USA Michael Jenkins, Michael BalcombAndrew Wilson Tyler Hendricks are too afraid to go to PA and meet with Moon Hyungjin and honestly share their thoughts, understanding, concerns and questions.
Here just another clear example. FFWP announced that Michael Jenkins would come to 43rd Street today to speak about FFWP, Hyung Jin Nim and Sanctuary PA. When Richard said it would be a good idea let us have a respectable open forum to discuss all outstanding issues and questions.
IN ONE DAY the FFWP completely revised and cancelled the topic and changed it.
Please with prayerful hearts do not be afraid. God guides us when we have sincere repentful hearts. Satan thrives in fear, arrogance and ignorance. Study what is true and seek Gods guidance. Truly our lives, the lives of our families and lineage depend on it. If you believe that Sun Myung Moon is the LSA then what we do also affects all people on earth. Read below. It is quite clear.

It's all here and clear

David Konn updated the description.
Reverend Moon made his intentions clear how his work should continue in 2008 through 2012 and after he passed to the SW.
***April 28th, 2008 True Father Transferred Authority to Hyung Jin Moon and Yeon Ah Lee Moon as “TP TehShinJA” (full representatives and embodiment).

***January 2009 True Father Crowns and Blesses Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim in a ceremony repeated 3 times (Korea, USA)

***June 2005 Written Declaration
TF worked closely with Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim from 2008 through 2012 to assist Hyung Jin Nim in this position as inheritor of TF's LSA mission. Great success was achieved.
***Hyung Jin Nim shares an honest interview what occurred from 2008 until 2015.
***Yeonah Nim in an honest interview what occurred from 2008 to 2015. Her love for Mother is clearly expressed.
Part 1:
Part 2: